Chisholm | Harvest Estate | Real Estate | Land Sale | Harmony Release | Final Land Release | 90% Sold Blocks | Popular Estate | Affordable House And Land Packages
The last lots of land have been released at Chisholm’s popular Harvest estate.
The blocks are part of the last Harvest neighbourhood called Harmony. More than 90 per cent of blocks in the first two ‘Harmony’ releases sold in less than two months in February and April.
The estate has been so popular, the developer AVID Property Group has not had to put a for-sale sign out since the project opened in July 2015.
AVID Property Group NSW Project Director Nathan Huon said there were 50 blocks offered in releases three and four of the ‘Harmony’ neighbourhood.
The average block size is 570 square metres. The average lot size in Sydney, according to the most recent data from the Urban Development Institute of Australia is 396 square metres.
“What we’re seeing in this region is a really strong demand for family-sized lots and wide frontages,” Mr Huon said. “We also have buyers coming from outside the region, looking for something they can’t get in Sydney: affordable house and land packages with space for the family.
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